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Welcome to my site!

Get to know a little about me.


My name’s Cassidy! I am a student at CCNY, in my third year as a business major and, for some reason, a biology minor. I play soccer at CCNY and have many other hobbies such as cooking, visiting museums, and drawing and painting. One hobby I’ve been trying to acquire is writing. I love creating, but words don’t flow out of me as well as a hollandaise sauce can.


Join me on my evolution in writing!


After all the assignments throughout middle school, high school, and my college experience thus far, I still don’t know much about writing, despite having assignments across diverse genres. These entail- but may not be limited to many lab reports, research papers, self-reflection essays, poems, book reports, and reaction papers. I answered each assignment prompt by waiting till the last minute because I was too indecisive to choose what or how I wanted to write. Waiting till the last minute is usually highly advised against; however, I think I come up with my best ideas and work most efficiently with a time restraint. I do acknowledge this is not sustainable. 

Regarding personal writing, I have only dabbled in journaling and some poetry- if I can even reward my work with that title. I find writing my thoughts extremely helpful in processing my feelings and navigating difficult situations. Little entries I write for myself, where I don’t feel pressure to write specifically to a prompt or grading guideline, I easily get lost. 

I typically assess my writing compared to similar works- that being peers submitting the same assignment or even pieces I read online. I’m hard on myself, so I usually think my writing is subpar. 

Thinking about my unique creative gifts is not an easy task as I find my creativity entirely arbitrary and trivial. But I have a very personal and heartfelt relationship with art. My grandma is a painter and taught me color and brushstroke techniques at a young age. My love for art evolved from there; however, I never saw myself as an artist but as an imitator. I sincerely appreciate how others can innovate and translate unspoken feelings. So when I create art, I don’t think of myself as innovating—but imitating an artist’s methodology in an attempt to discover their world and allow it to manifest a revelation in mine. Or, at other times, when I create art, I do what I feel and do not think about it that intensely. Visiting museums is an important part of my life, where I can think of nothing but feel everything. I have especially liked painters Paul Klee, Mark Rothko, and Salvador Dali. 

If I could change anything in this world, I would remove physical currencies. I think money is the source of all problems. Imagine a barter system based on how well you treat others and yourself. Of course, it would be impossible to decide on a standard to grade ethics, but it’s sweet to imagine. I’d hope that in this world where your character and morality determine your social status, suffering would limit, and more people choose to be kind. Finally, I think art would have a massive role in this world of my makings. How exactly? I’m unsure, but I do see a lot of colors. 

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